World Cup South Africa 2010
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Get ready to learn something about the most "getting-to-be"popular country in the next month.
* Full name: Republic of South Africa.
* Population: 50.1 million (UN, 2009)´
* Capitals: Pretoria (executive capital); Cape Town (legislative capital);
Bloemfontein (judicial capital).
* Largest city: Johannesburg.
* Area: 1.22 million sq km (470,693 sq miles).
* Major languages: 11 official languages including English, Afrikaans,
Sesotho, Setswana, Xhosa and Zulu.
* Major religion: Christianity, Islam, indigenous beliefs.
* Life expectancy: 50 years (men), 53 years (women).
* Monetary unit: 1 Rand = 100 cents.
* Main exports: Gold, diamonds, metals and minerals, cars, machinery.
* GNI per capita: US $5,820 (World Bank, 2008).
* Internet domain: .za.
* International dialling code: +27.
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